Early Childhood Philosophy

The Marmion P.S. Philosophy of Learning in the Early Years

  • Resilient;
  • Caring and Respectful;
  • Creative; and
  • Able to Persevere when faced with challenges.

At Marmion Primary School, we aim to provide an emotional learning environment where the children feel safe, valued and happy. We recognise and celebrate differences and provide opportunities for individuals to succeed at their own level. We provide explicit teaching of social and emotional skills to build resilience and develop interpersonal skills.

The Early Years learning environments, indoor and outdoor, are safe, welcoming and engaging. The outdoor learning environment is vital in supporting children’s physical wellbeing, developing strength, balance, endurance and coordination.

We support children’s individual learning styles and needs, by providing a myriad of stimulating and motivating interactive resources, within a well-designed and purposeful setting.

At Marmion Primary School, we provide a developmental program that recognises the children’s current skills and understandings and extends them through purposeful and playful activities. We value a balance between explicit teaching, teacher directed and child initiated leaning.

We acknowledge the equal importance of a child’s emotional, physical and cognitive development.

Providing a nurturing, inclusive and
safe learning environment for all.