Contributions & Charges

The financial support of every family plays a major part in providing extra resources that extend the school’s capacity to broaden the learning experience for all students.

The quality of the school’s programs is maximised when each family makes its contribution and assists in supplementing funds gained from other sources, including the State and Commonwealth Governments.

Your School Board annually reviews and approves the Schedule of Contributions, Charges and Personal Items Lists. The maximum amount of voluntary contributions requested of parents and carers must not exceed $60.

Providing a nurturing, inclusive and
safe learning environment for all.

The Schedule consists of five sections:

(A) Contributions (Voluntary)
Monies requested from parents towards the cost of materials, services and facilities used by K-6 students in the educational program.

(B) Charges for Extra Cost Optional Items
Costs for which payment is compulsory.

Student participation in these is dependent on payment of the charge prior to the activity.

The amounts indicated represent the maximum amount that a parent/carer could anticipate being charged for such activities during the year.

(C) Personal Items List for Personal Use in the Education Process
Personal items for daily use.

Please note that many of these items are able to be used from year to year – hence reducing the overall cost of the list eg: calculator.

Purchase through the nominated seller is optional. Some items will require replacement during the year.

(D) Other Fundraising

(E) Optional Costs for Activities and Services Provided Through the School
Costs for these vary.

Parents/carers choose which activities or services they want their child to participate in and make payment accordingly.

The payment of the Contributions (A above) by ALL parents will assist in supplementing school expenditure in the areas listed for the benefit of every student. To facilitate this, payments can be made either in full on the Personal Items List, or directly to the school each year.